Cost indication (2014)


 This table gives an indication of the building costs of a basic one off sailing yacht


Costs drawings / Copyright

Existing drawings

More often than not, we can adjust an existing design to your wishes. However, if you choose to change the interior layout, there will also be changes in the construction plan. If these changes are minimal, there will be minor adjustments to the drawings and the extra costs will be small. The costs will increase when the changes are more extensive and all drawings, construction and cutting files need to be redone.


There is a building right on our drawings. This is approximately 2% of the estimated building costs (upper line) and will give you the licence to build one yacht. During the construction period the yard can contact us for information and you will receive a printed set of drawings.


New design

In case of a new design, I will provide you with the drawings for a new ship and the licence to build one yacht. Prior to the start of the project we will decide which drawings are required and I will give you a fixed price. This will be between 3% and 6% of the estimated building costs (upper line line in the diagram).